Take time and enjoy.

At the Steinerwirt Restaurant in Zell am See

Hotel Restaurant Steinerwirt - Zimmer & Suiten in Zell am See

Lunch in Zell am See

It is not only in the evenings that the Steinerwirt provides culinary delights for its guests. From Tuesday to Sunday, hearty dishes from the tavern kitchen are also served here at lunchtime. Our kitchen is open continuously from 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

Your reservation in our restaurant
Have you acquired a taste for it? We will gladly reserve a cozy place for you in our Stub’n.

Hotel Restaurant Steinerwirt - Zimmer & Suiten in Zell am See

Our partners

One thing is certain: without its reliable partners, the Steinerwirt would probably not have made it to where it is today. They all make their own individual contribution to the charming hotel and the delights it holds for its guests.